Sony Ericson Full Jumper
Sony Ericson Full Jumper
K500 / K508
RSI- K700,K500
Alien battery or Capacity Problem COMPONENT PLACING - handfree new -
K300 / K500 / K700 key joy - K500 / k300 / k700 Handsfree problems -
[COLOR=White]K500 K700 network problem 1800 or 900 - k500 keypad ic bypass - K500
keypad - K500 sim - K500i joystick - K500i keypad solution - K500 ant
switch - K500 / K508 / F500 display schematics - K500 Knatte chip - K500
led lcd K500 microphone - K500 microphone comp layout - K500 nosim -
K300 / K500 / K700 sim problem - SonyEric K500 / k700 audio1
K550 keys - K500 mic - K550 mic2 - K550 charge ways - K550 MIC JUMPER -
K600 / K60x Test Point and disassembling manual v2 - K600 power switch
schematics - K600 system conector - K600 joystick repair - K600i key
and joystik ways - K600 key board and joystik
V630 / K610 handfree mode - K610 charging - K610 mic - K610 sim1 - K610
sim2 - K610 hands free - K610i Micways - K610i LCD - K610i / V630i sim
ways - K610 mic ways - K610 sim - T610 new on off ways
F700 F500 not charg - 700 camera.rar - K300 mic hand free copy - K700
back light - K700 antenna switch - K700 lcd - K700 Modify light - K700
auto on off - K700 component placing - K700 hangat menu - K700i hang
solution - K700i joystick - K700 microfon - K700 joystick - K700 mic -
S700charge - K700I repair light lcd - Sys conector K700 - T230 LCD
light not working
750 volume key - 1 2 3 left
software key - K750 Camera - K750 keypad - K750 / W800 / W700 light -
K750 charging - K750 joystick - K750 Lsd licht - K750 / W800 hang -
K750 Bluetooth problem - K750 charing problem - K750contrast - K750I
Display & Keyboard - K750I Display & Keyboard 2 - K750i key pad
jumper - K750i 4 IN 1 cable modify with Auto Power - K750i charging -
K750I sim way - K750 Joy jumper - K750 keyped problem - K750 LCD light
- K750 LCD way repair - K750mic - K750 on off and iluminations - K750
white screen - k750 camera - K750 charging - K750 joy schematics - K750
/ W800 repair microphone - K750 mmc - Label Info - N2980 comp placing -
Part List.rar - repair LED LCD K750 / W800
Trouble Shooting Guide
W700I Mic way - K750 camera - K790 - Joystic ways K790 - K790 not power
on - K790 - K790 lcd keypad light schematic - K790 joystick component -
K790 joystick schematic - K790 / K800 Joystick Way - K790 white display
K790 / K800 Joystick Way - K800 charging problem - K800 IC Missing -
K800 key ways - K800 primary side - K800 secondary side - K800 speaker
- K800 illumination - K800i keypad - K800 joystick way - K800 keyboard
ways - K800 lcd light - K800 knop - K750 sim way
M600 speaker
P800 charging - P800 charging2 - P800 signal problem - P800 no charging
- P800 LCD Connector - P800 LCD DC Converter part - P800 / N560 LCD DC
Driver Layout - P990 / P910 - mic P900 - P900 lcd ways - P900 mic -
P900 speaker ways - P910 / P900 charge ways - P900 / 910 not charging -
P990 - P990 mic ways - P990 charging way - P990 ring ear
T20 self charge - T68 / T65.rar / T68 Buzzer - T68 Earphone - T68
Joystick - T68 joystick connections - T68 lcd - T68 lights - T68 lights
2 - T100 ericsson - T100 solution signal - T10x antena switch -
solution low signal T100 - T100 keypad - T100 audio - T100 ringer
T100 not charging
Pass= nurul47
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